Personal Accident Insurance
Protect yourself and your family against the unforeseen with a Personal Accident Insurance. In the event of an accident or as a result of disability, the Personal Accident Insurance protects you and your loved ones financially.Visit our Insurance Department at Landhuis Cerrito, Schottegatweg Oost z/n. You can also make an appointment ahead of your visit.
- Protect yourself
- Make sure your family is protected
- Enjoy peace of mind
Why choose us as your broker
Required documents
- Combine the familiar with the convenient
- For your convenience, bundle all of your insurances in one place.
- As your broker, we guide you in the selection process by offering you advice based on your expressed needs and preferences. Our Orco Bank Insurance Sales Representatives have extensive knowledge and understanding and are ready to listen to you in order to help you identify which Insurance Policy is right for you
- We partner with all major insurance carriers in Curaçao, allowing us to fulfill all of our customers’ unique insurance needs
Payment Arrangements
The insurance premium can be paid yearly, bi-yearly, quarterly or monthly.
- a valid ID