To finance your working capital, being your stock and receivables, your cash requirements as a rule fluctuate on a daily basis and may even increase during peak periods such as a recurring high season. In this case we can provide you with a credit line that you can use on a flexible basis, and that can be renewed annually. Also for incidental stock or receivable build-up such as to take advantage of one-time special deals, a temporary short term advance could be made available.
- Flexibility – use as needed
- Overdraft facility
- Limited interest expense
Right for you if you want
What you need to apply
(Basic) Overdraft Facilities or Working Capital Lines
For your fluctuating core operations.- To purchase stock as needed
- To finance your accounts receivable (not older than 90 days)
Seasonal Overdrafts
For recurring peaks when your need for working capital is temporarily higher – mainly due to increased sales.Bridging Facilities
For arising temporary financing needs, to be repaid from a specific source.
- To finance your excess accounts receivable
- To fund seasonal stock and receivables build-up
- To bridge temporary cash constraints
Tip: To maintain interest expense low – use only as needed!
Every business is unique and presents its own specific needs and requirements. Therefore, each application will be different. Your Corporate Account Manager will explain what information you need to submit in your specific case.